Main Subjects = -
Revolution in Language:Theory of Meaning Based on Kristeva’s Attitude

Volume 10, Issue 26, October 2018, Pages 17-32


Hassan Fatzade; Marzieh Darabi; Shamsolmolouk Mostafavi

The relation of human being and God in the triple episteme

Volume 10, Issue 26, October 2018, Pages 51-70


ali karbasizade; fateme saki

An Ontological Study of the Ideas of Charles Darwin and Michel Foucault

Volume 9, Issue 24, January 2018, Pages 95-110


Fazel Asadi Amjad; Amin Pourhossein Asli; Sayyid Mohammad Marandi

Hannah Arendt's political point of view based on the theory of metaphor

Volume 8, Issue 22, October 2017, Pages 31-46


Mohsen Jamshidi; Ehsan Kazemi

perception, self-correction and philosophical intuition

Volume 8, Issue 22, October 2017, Pages 47-60


Peyman Pourghannad; davood hosseini; Lotfollah Nabavi