Study of the Ontology of the Work of Music in the Phenomenology of Bruce Ellis Benson's Theory of The Improvisation of Musical Dialogue

Volume 16, Issue 38, September 2024, Pages 1-12


Mohammadreza Azizi; Pouya Saraei; Hamideh Jafari; HamidReza Shairi; Parastoo Mohebi

On the Possibility and Necessity of Critique of Judgment

Volume 2, Issue 7, May 2010, Pages 11-30

m Gholamalian Dehaghani

The Doctrine of Prime Matter in Aristotle’s Science of Nature

Volume 3, Issue 11, March 2012, Pages 17-32

h Mahboobi Arani

Artistic Imagination in the Illuminationist Theosophy of Suhrawardi

Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2011, Pages 19-32

F Shafiei; H Bolkharie Ghahi

Husserl – Derrida: Dispute over Language

Volume 2, Issue 5, September 2010, Pages 23-38

H Fathzadeh

Ikhwan al-Safa, Ibn Miskawayh, Biruni and Biological Evolutionary Theory

Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2009, Pages 25-46

H Miandari; H Miandari

Reason and Law in Plato’s Laws

Volume 7, Issue 19, April 2015, Pages 13-26

Abdolrasool Hasanifar

Does Free Will Mean Having Alternative Possibilities?

Volume 11, Issue 28, December 2018, Pages 13-34


fakhrosadat alavi

Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature

Volume 6, Issue 17, September 2014, Pages 15-28

A Jafari Eskandari

A Cognitive and Embodied Approach to the Paper and Digital Reading

Volume 15, Issue 36, September 2023, Pages 15-31


SeyyedJamal Ghoreyshi; Hossain Motallebi

Aristotelian pre-Socratics, A glance at Aristotle's Narrative from pre-Socratics

Volume 6, Issue 18, March 2015, Pages 17-32

Mehdi Qavam Safari; M.B Ghomi

Revolution in Language:Theory of Meaning Based on Kristeva’s Attitude

Volume 10, Issue 26, October 2018, Pages 17-32


Hassan Fatzade; Marzieh Darabi; Shamsolmolouk Mostafavi

Platonic Love in John Milton's Comus

Volume 8, Issue 22, October 2017, Pages 19-30


Masoud Rostami

Challenges in reading the Greek philosophers

Volume 9, Issue 23, September 2017, Pages 19-36


Behnaz Aghili Dehkordi; Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari