Hegel's reading of the tragedy of "Oedipus at Colonus"

Volume 12, Issue 30, September 2020, Pages 33-47


Amir Maziar; Mohaddaseh Rabbaninia

Plato, Identity, and Virtue

Volume 8, Issue 21, October 2016, Pages 37-54


Naser Momeni; Reza Davari Ardakani

the critic of free harmony of faculties

Volume 9, Issue 23, September 2017, Pages 37-50


ali salmani

A Comparative Study of Religious Language in Plotinus and Eriugena

Volume 14, Issue 33, March 2022, Pages 37-52


Hasan Abasi hossein abadi; Naser Mohammadi

From the semantic therapy approach to Farabi's blissful thought

Volume 15, Issue 35, March 2023, Pages 39-53


Farangis Baraz; Nafise Sate; Hossein Falsafi

From Mataphysical Freedom to Existential Freedom

Volume 10, Issue 25, May 2018, Pages 41-62


Fakhrosadat Alavi

Categorical Domain of Intuiting Phenomenological Essences

Volume 16, Issue 37, March 2024, Pages 43-58


Yaser Khosravizade; Morteza Nouri

The Semantic Analysis of Icon

Volume 3, Issue 11, March 2012, Pages 49-58

m Piravivanak

Comparison of Views of Allame Tabatabai and M.Arabi on Vision and Seeing

Volume 1, Issue 3, March 2010, Pages 65-86

F Rahimpur; S Yavari

Plato and Heidegger’s Views on Language: a Comparative Study

Volume 7, Issue 19, April 2015, Pages 41-64

Reza Koorang Beheshti; Mohammad-Javad Safian

Emotion in Leibniz's Philosophy

Volume 16, Issue 38, September 2024, Pages 43-58


Mohaddaseh Rabbaninia; Amir Ehsan karbasi zadeh