An Investigation of Heidegger's Critique of Hegel's Notion of Time

Volume 5, Issue 15, September 2013, Pages 45-62

AA Mosleh; H Rostami Jalilian

What Observational/Theoretical Distinction Can Do

Volume 6, Issue 17, September 2014, Pages 45-62

J Moazzenzadeh

Moral Luck and Responsibility on Michael J.Zimmerman’s View

Volume 12, Issue 29, July 2020, Pages 45-62


Zahra Khazaei; Fateme Tamaddon

perception, self-correction and philosophical intuition

Volume 8, Issue 22, October 2017, Pages 47-60


Peyman Pourghannad; davood hosseini; Lotfollah Nabavi

A Study of the Manner of Ascribing the Morality Law to Nature Law in Kant\'s Moral Metaphysics

Volume 6, Issue 18, March 2015, Pages 49-60

mohammad hani jafarian; mir saiid moosavi karimi

Philosophical Foundations of Intuitionistic Logic

Volume 4, Issue 14, March 2013, Pages 51-64

L Nabavi; MA Hojati; H Alaeenezhad

The relation of human being and God in the triple episteme

Volume 10, Issue 26, October 2018, Pages 51-70


ali karbasizade; fateme saki

Kant on "die Züfllichkeit" in the realm of theoretical reason

Volume 14, Issue 33, March 2022, Pages 53-70


Saleh Tavassoli; Meisam sefidkhosh

Relevant Interpretation of Stoic Logic

Volume 8, Issue 21, October 2016, Pages 55-70


Amin Shahverdi; Mohammad Ali Ejeii

Suhrawardi's epistemological critiques of Ibn Sina In the matter of Absar

Volume 15, Issue 35, March 2023, Pages 55-70


Ali asghar Jafari valani; Donya Asadi fakhr nejhad

Deconstruction as a Strategy

Volume 3, Issue 11, March 2012, Pages 59-72

a Mosleh; p Khanghah

Comparative Study of the Concept of Space in Aristotle, Descartes and Heidegger

Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2011, Pages 65-76

MJ safiyan; n Momeni