Physicalism, Fundamentality and Modern Physics

Volume 13, Issue 32, September 2021, Pages 75-88


Aboutorab Yaghmaie

Moral Realism and Anti-Realism in Later Wittgenstein

Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2011, Pages 77-94

A Sabramiz; S Dabagh

Considering Bernard Williams's Slogan 'belief aims at truth'

Volume 6, Issue 17, September 2014, Pages 77-92

A Kalantari

The Role of Freedom in Kant's Philosophy of Ethics

Volume 2, Issue 7, May 2010, Pages 79-92

m Sayf

Origins of Deconstruction in Nietzsche

Volume 5, Issue 16, March 2014, Pages 93-114

AA Mosleh; M Parsa Khanghah

Nihilism, Origins, Types, and its Consequences in Terms of Nietzsche

Volume 7, Issue 20, May 2015, Pages 93-110

Azadeh Emami; Ali Karbasizadeh

Ego in Lacan’s and Husserl's Point of View

Volume 1, Issue 3, March 2010, Pages 102-112

H Fathzadeh

Appearance of Superhuman in the Sky of Nietzsche’s Thought

Volume 5, Issue 15, September 2013, Pages 77-69

A Emami; H Alavitabar

Aristotle's Issue in the Ninth Chapter of Al-Ebara

Volume 6, Issue 18, March 2015, Pages 77-92

Fereshte Nabati

An Analysis of the Critique of Kant’s “Categorical”

Volume 4, Issue 13, September 2012, Pages 79-94

A Azhdar; M Zamani; A Alamalhoda; A Panahi

The Extended Mind: Objections and limitations

Volume 12, Issue 29, July 2020, Pages 79-94


Peyman Pourghannad

The Temporal Shape of Perceptual Experiences

Volume 16, Issue 38, September 2024, Pages 81-100


Mohsen Bashiri

Two-Dimensional Theory of Scientific Representation

Volume 4, Issue 14, March 2013, Pages 83-94

A Yaghmaie; H Sheikh Rezaee

Bergson's role in the phenomenology movement based on Heidegger's interpretation

Volume 15, Issue 36, September 2023, Pages 83-97


Hussein Malakooti; Bijan Abdolkarimi; Ali Moradkhani