Abasi hossein abadi, Hasan
A Comparative Study of Religious Language in Plotinus and Eriugena [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 37-52]
Abbasi, Mahmoud
Investigation of the face and the basis of its justification in the moral philosophy of Levinas [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 59-79]
Abdolkarimi, Bijan
Bergson's role in the phenomenology movement based on Heidegger's interpretation [Volume 15, Issue 36, 2023, Pages 83-97]
Abdollahi, M.A
The Problem of Private Language [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 1-14]
Abdullahi, m
John Searle on Institutional Facts [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 1-22]
Aerak, Hosein
Yalom's Strategies in Treating Death Anxiety and Their Philosophical Foundations [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 1-24]
AfsharKermani, Azizallah
The Role and fanction of non-existence in epistemology and ontology of Mulla Sadra's Philosophy [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 19-30]
Aghakhani, Arsalan
The Arrangement Function of the Moments of Taste Judgment in Kant's Aesthetics [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 157-172]
Aghili Dehkordi, Behnaz
Challenges in reading the Greek philosophers [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 19-36]
Ahmadi, Hosein
The review of the ontology of ethics in the moral view of Sheikh Ishraq [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 151-163]
Ahmadi, Maryam
Criticism of Nicholas White's Reading of Saadat Based on Sadra'i Principles [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 159-179]
Ahmadi Afranjami, AK
Subject in Tractatus according to David Pears [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 31-50]
Akbarian, R
The Criterion of Incorporeal and Material Things in the Philosophy of Plotinus and MÅ«llÄ SadrÄ [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 1-24]
Akbari Takhtameshlou, J
Internal Realism: Putnam's Alternative to Metaphysical Realism [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 1-34]
Akrami, m
Substantial :union: or Substantial Distinction of Mind and Body in Descartes' Metaphysics [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 1-24]
Akrami, M
Richard Rorty: From Anti-metaphysical Neo-Pragmatism to Rejection of Philosophy [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 43-64]
Alaeenezhad, H
Philosophical Foundations of Intuitionistic Logic [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 51-64]
Alaeinejad, Hamid
Brueckner's Simple Argument Against Skepticism about
The External World [Volume 10, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 77-92]
Alamalhoda, A
An Analysis of the Critique of Kantâs âCategoricalâ [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 79-94]
Alavi, Fakhrosadat
From Mataphysical Freedom to Existential Freedom [Volume 10, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 41-62]
Alavi, Mohammad Kazem
An in-line consideration of rationalism in the works of Seyyed Hussain Nasr and Richard Rorty [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 71-90]
Alavitabar, H
Appearance of Superhuman in the Sky of Nietzscheâs Thought [Volume 5, Issue 15, 2013, Pages 77-69]
Alemi, R
Possible Worlds in the Plantinga's Thought and its Relationship with the Concept of Nafs-al-Amr in Islamic Philosophy [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 13-30]
Algooneh Juneghani, Masoud
From the Probable Impossibility to the Self-Sufficiency of the Literary Work in Aristotle's Thought [Volume 12, Issue 30, 2020, Pages 169-185]
Algooneh Juneghani, Masoud
The construction of reality and mimetic theory [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 89-103]
Alizade, Bahram
Metaethical reflections on Audi’s Divine Command theory [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 81-96]
Alizade, Bahram
Revisionism and Moral Resposibility [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 19-35]
Alizadeh, Roja
Denis Dutton's Evolutionary Approach to Art and Beauty [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 35-48]
Alvand, Masoud
Normativity of logic [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 181-196]
Amini, Abdollah
Description and evaluating of Gadamer's anti-Platonic approach to mimesis [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 105-119]
Amiriara, Hassan
The Possibility of Metaphysics as The Science of The Possible: A defense of metaphysics against radical naturalism [Volume 15, Issue 36, 2023, Pages 119-141]
Amoosoltani Froshani, MohammadMahdi
Is Consciousness Emergent Property or Arised from Substance of Soul? [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 151-168]
Aram, Alireza
The Relationship of Law and Ethics According to Tabatabaei [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 37-49]
Ardebili, Mohammad Mehdi
Bildung: Roots, Functions and Significations [Volume 12, Issue 29, 2020, Pages 1-13]
Arshad Riahi, Ali
Analysis of "Occurrence" and "Coexistence" in Consideration of Dividing Relation into External and Mental Relation in the Philosophy of Ibn Sina [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 13-26]
Asadi Amjad, Fazel
An Ontological Study of the Ideas of Charles Darwin and Michel Foucault [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 95-110]
Asadi fakhr nejhad, Donya
Suhrawardi's epistemological critiques of Ibn Sina In the matter of Absar [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 55-70]
Asghari, Muhammad
Deconstruction and Deontologicalization of the subject and gender identity: De Beauvoir and Butler [Volume 12, Issue 29, 2020, Pages 131-146]
Asghari, Muhammad
Merleau-Ponty's Body-Centered Aesthetic Phenomenology [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 71-87]
Asghari, Muhammad
Investigation of the face and the basis of its justification in the moral philosophy of Levinas [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 59-79]
Asghari, SeyyedAli
The Difficulties of Reductionistic Explanation of Moral Knowledge [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 17-36]
Asghari, SeyyedAli
Inadequacies of Naturalistic Explanations of Ethical Knowledge [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 83-100]
Asghari, SeyyedAli
Compatibility of Moral Principles with Context-Dependence [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 39-55]
Asghari, SeyyedAli
Impartial Benevolence: an analysis and critique [(Articles in Press)]
Ashouri Kisomi, Mohammad Ali
Investigating some ethical issues of artificial intelligence in art [Volume 16, Issue 37, 2024, Pages 93-110]
Askari, Maryam
Comparison of the ontology of ethics from the perspective of George Edward Moore and Khajeh Nasir al-Din Tusi [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 107-120]
Askarzadeh mazraeh, Akram
The death of consciousness from the perspective of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche [Volume 16, Issue 37, 2024, Pages 137-153]
Assadi, Mahdi
Has Mullā Ṣadrā Given up the Four–Dimensionalism? [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 23-37]
Assadi, Mahdi
Assessment of Waismann's Criticism of Analytic Judgments Based on the Principles of Muslim Philosophy and Logic [(Articles in Press)]
Ayatollahzadeh Shirazi, Seyed Mohammadhassan
How Would Armstrong's Theory of Truthmaking Be a Criterion for Ontological Commitment? [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 119-130]
Azarfaza, I
The Concept of Law in the Ancient Greek Political Thought: From θεÏμÏÏ to νÏÎ¼Î¿Ï [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 51-72]
Azhdar, a
The Possibility of Moral Reasoning in Hareâs Prescriptivism [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 1-18]
Azhdar, A
An Analysis of the Critique of Kantâs âCategoricalâ [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 79-94]
Azimi Dastgerdi, Javad
Analysis of "Occurrence" and "Coexistence" in Consideration of Dividing Relation into External and Mental Relation in the Philosophy of Ibn Sina [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 13-26]
Azizi, Mohammadreza
Study of the Ontology of the Work of Music in the Phenomenology of Bruce Ellis Benson's Theory of The Improvisation of Musical Dialogue [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 1-12]
Bakhtiarian, Maryam
Kant’s on Correlation Taste and Genius in the Aesthetic Experience with Form-oriented Approach [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 79-94]
Bakhtiarian, Maryam
Francis Hutcheson’s On The Basis of Aesthetic Pleasure: With an Emphasis on Musical Pleasure from Silence [Volume 12, Issue 29, 2020, Pages 31-44]
Balanian, Mohamadreza
Human Happiness on The Horizon of The Theory of Being- in - World from Mulla Sadra's Point of View [Volume 15, Issue 36, 2023, Pages 1-14]
Bandarrigi Zadeh, A
Law, Justice and Responsibility in the Philosophy of Jacques Derrida [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 35-50]
Baqeri, Arash
An Examination of the meaning of Categorical Imperative Formulas and Relation between them in Kant's Moral Thought [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 125-141]
Baraz, Farangis
From the semantic therapy approach to Farabi's blissful thought [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 39-53]
Bashiri, Mohsen
The Temporal Shape of Perceptual Experiences [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 81-100]
Bastin, Hamed
Millikan’s biosemantic theory; in opposition to meaning rationalism [Volume 10, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 1-24]
Behtash, Mohammadreza
The role of "Critique of Judgment" in the explanation of experiential causality in transcendental idealism of Kant [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 15-32]
Biabanaki, Sayyed Mahdi
The Relationship between Metaphysics and Cognitive Science: A Critique of the Naturalized Metaphysics of Alvin Goldman [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 49-66]
Bidhendi, Mohammad
A Study of the Notion of Geviert in the Philosophy of Later Heidegger and Its Relevance to the Truth of Das Ding and Wohnen [Volume 12, Issue 29, 2020, Pages 15-29]
Bohlooli Faskhoodi, Mohsen
Analysis and Critique of the Ability Hypothesis [Volume 12, Issue 29, 2020, Pages 183-196]
Bolkharie Ghahi, H
Artistic Imagination in the Illuminationist Theosophy of Suhrawardi [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 19-32]
Dabagh, S
Moral Realism and Anti-Realism in Later Wittgenstein [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 77-94]
Daneshnahad, Mohammad
Critical Study of the Division of Worlds and Beings into Physical and Abstract [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 125-139]
Danyali, Aref
A Philosophical Dialogue Between Arendt and Kundera: Poetic Individuality against History’s Humor [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 121-142]
Darabi, Ali Reza
Does Xaje Nasir-oddin-e Tusi Believe in Three-valued Logic? [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 115-128]
Darabi, Marzieh
Revolution in Language:Theory of Meaning Based on Kristeva’s Attitude [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 17-32]
Davariardakani, Reza
"The Pragmatist Approach to Education: Richard Rorty" [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 157-182]
Davari Ardakani, Reza
Plato, Identity, and Virtue [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 37-54]
Dorri Nogoorani, Alireza
Analysis and Study of Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i's Theory about the origin of secondary philosophical intelligibles using Morteza Motahhari's Commenting [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 33-56]
Eâtemadinia, M
Space and Time in Ouspenskyâs Viewpoint (based on ideas of Tertium Organum) [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 61-78]
Ebadi, Ahmad
Khajeh Nasir al-Din al-Tusiâs Role in the Interaction of Triple Paradigms of Islamic Philosophy [Volume 5, Issue 15, 2013, Pages 17-32]
Ebadi, Ahmad
The distinction discovery/justification from view Reichenbach and Popper [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 197-214]
Ebadi, Ahmad
Is Consciousness Emergent Property or Arised from Substance of Soul? [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 151-168]
Ebrahimipour, Ahmad
How to Talk about Nothing: Definability and Versions of Philosophical Nihilism [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 131-147]
Ebrahimpour Esfahani, Ruhollah
Moore's Paradox and Analysis of Moore's Account of the Paradox [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 117-134]
Ehsandoust, Mohi eddin
Analysis and investigation of the idea of the permanence of human self-awareness in Allameh Tabatabai's view [Volume 15, Issue 36, 2023, Pages 33-50]
Ejeii, Mohammad Ali
Relevant Interpretation of Stoic Logic [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 55-70]
Elmi, Ghorban
Metaphysics of Light in the Thought of Saint Bonaventure [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 115-133]
Elmi, MK
A Study on Gradation in Mirfendereski's Philosophy with a Glance on Avicenna and Sohravardi's Ideas [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 45-60]
Emami, A
Appearance of Superhuman in the Sky of Nietzscheâs Thought [Volume 5, Issue 15, 2013, Pages 77-69]
Emami, Azadeh
Nihilism, Origins, Types, and its Consequences in Terms of Nietzsche [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 93-110]
Emamijome, Mehdi
Avicenna and the Role of Metaphysics in the Religious Hermeneutics [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 69-94]
Emam Jomezadeh, J
Investigating Philosophical Foundations of the West in the Intellectual Geography of Reza Davari Ardakani [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 95-108]
Emdadi Madouleh, Mohammad
The distinction discovery/justification from view Reichenbach and Popper [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 197-214]
Enshaei, M
Ontology of Second Contemplative Sciences of Philosophy (with reference to comment on âmental prosody and objective Sufismâ) [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 87-104]
Esfahani, GholamReza
Three levels of the Socrates's Irony in the Platonic dialogues [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 33-50]
Esfandiari, Mohammad Hosein
The Problem of 'Something' in Logic; Gricean Defense of Substitutional Interpretation of Particular Quantifier [Volume 10, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 63-76]
Esfandiari, Mohammad Hosein
Carnap's Paradox and Ontological Second Level Skepticism [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 183-196]
Eskandari, Hamid
Critical Confrontation of Cognitivists in hare's Theory of the non-cognitivism With emphasis on Thick moral concepts [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 85-98]
Eskandari, Z
Proclusâ View about Negative Theology [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 31-44]
Eslami, Shahla
"The Pragmatist Approach to Education: Richard Rorty" [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 157-182]
Etemadoleslami Bakhtiari, ُSeyyed Mohammad Mahdi
Betz’s Theory of Dialectical Structures versus Thagard’s Theory of Explanatory Coherence: Examining a Controversial Acquittal [(Articles in Press)]
Fahimifar, Asghar
Representation in the film based on Martin Heidegger's idea [Volume 16, Issue 37, 2024, Pages 27-42]
Falahiy, A
Intra-Rule Existential Commitment of Al-Tousi on Contraposition and the Problem of Inversion [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 75-86]
Fallahy, Asadollah
Conceptual and judgmental foundations of a widespread controversy on validity of conditional syllogism [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 89-107]
Falsafi, Hossein
From the semantic therapy approach to Farabi's blissful thought [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 39-53]
Fani Sani, Mohammad Mehdi
Aletheia, Goddess of Parmenids's Poem: Study of Heidegger's Analysis of Truth in Ancient Greek [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 51-72]
Faraji, Alireza
Study and Comparison of Concept of Solipsism in Thought of Husserl and Wittgenstein [Volume 12, Issue 30, 2020, Pages 153-167]
Farhanian, f
The Metaphysics of Time [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 1-16]
Fathi, Hassan
Aletheia, Goddess of Parmenids's Poem: Study of Heidegger's Analysis of Truth in Ancient Greek [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 51-72]
Fath Taheri, Ali
Solipsism in Tractatus: Three Different Interpretations (resend) [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 111-128]
Fath Taheri, Ali
Kant’s Transcendental Philosophy and Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology: A Comparative Study [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 59-73]
Fath Taheri, Ali
Spinoza and the Metaphysical Revolution of Liberation from Transcendence [(Articles in Press)]
Fathzadeh, H
Ego in Lacanâs and Husserl's Point of View [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 102-112]
Fathzadeh, H
Husserl â Derrida: Dispute over Language [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 23-38]
Fatzade, Hassan
The Origin of Values from Nietzsche's View [Volume 8, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 61-78]
Fatzade, Hassan
Revolution in Language:Theory of Meaning Based on Kristeva’s Attitude [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 17-32]
Gamini, Amir Mohammad
A Confrontation between Aristotelian and Newtonian Metaphysics in Qājar Period: Muḥammad-Karīm Khān Kirmānī’s Criticism of Heliocentrism [Volume 16, Issue 37, 2024, Pages 155-179]
Ganjvar, Mahdi
The Analysis of Two Approaches to the Principality of Existence in Mulla Sadraâs Metaphysics [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 81-98]
Ghanbari, Bakhshali
Metaphysics of Light in the Thought of Saint Bonaventure [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 115-133]
Ghanbarlou, Zeynab
Solipsism in Tractatus: Three Different Interpretations (resend) [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 111-128]
Gharibzade, Mohammad
Heidegger's Interpretation of Kant's Thesis about "Being" as "Position" [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 89-108]
Ghavam Safari, M
Possible Worlds in the Plantinga's Thought and its Relationship with the Concept of Nafs-al-Amr in Islamic Philosophy [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 13-30]
Ghavam Safary, M
The Concept of Law in the Ancient Greek Political Thought: From θεÏμÏÏ to νÏÎ¼Î¿Ï [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 51-72]
Gholamalian Dehaghani, m
On the Possibility and Necessity of Critique of Judgment [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 11-30]
Ghomi, M.B
Aristotelian pre-Socratics, A glance at Aristotle's Narrative from pre-Socratics [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 17-32]
Ghomi, Mohammad Bagher
Standard Chronology in Platoâs Dialogues and Stylometric Evidences [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 1-18]
Ghoreyshi, SeyyedJamal
A Cognitive and Embodied Approach to the Paper and Digital Reading [Volume 15, Issue 36, 2023, Pages 15-31]
Gilani, Azarnoosh
Suhrawardi on Mystical Music and Sama [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 165-180]
Golestani, Sayyed Hashem
The Review Criticism Of Sadra`s Viewpoint in The refutation of contradiction of Sohrawardi`s speech in Mentally - Posited Matter [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 91-102]
Golshani, m
Quantum Objects: Sigma Interpretation for Measurement Problem [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 89-112]
Golshani, M
Internal Realism: Putnam's Alternative to Metaphysical Realism [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 1-34]
Goodarzi, Morteza
Fundemental Aesthetics in Heideggerian Philosophy and Daoism [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 81-92]
Gorbani Sisakht, Khadijeh
Origins and philosophical foundations of transhuman [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 135-150]
Haghshenas, Roohollah
The Universality of Intuition an aposteriori Criticize to an apriori Assumption [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 1-16]
Hajihosseini, M
Lozomieh in Ibn Sinaâs Logic and its Relation to Various Kinds of Conditionals in Modern Logic with Analysis and Critique of Some Views [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 47-64]
Hakkak, Mohammad
The Relationship between Intellect and Particular Intellects in Plotinus' view and Its Comparison with MullÄ-SadrÄ's View on Unity and Multiplicity of Intellect [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 65-82]
Hani, Kazem
A Comparison Between early and later Heidegger on Plato’s Ideas [Volume 15, Issue 36, 2023, Pages 143-159]
Hasanifar, Abdolrasool
Reason and Law in Platoâs Laws [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 13-26]
Hashemi, SayedHosain
The meaning and role of category time in Bloch's Philosophy [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 1-21]
Hashemzadeh, Aliasghar
Saintly life, fact, or fable: analysis and critique of Susan Wolf's approach [(Articles in Press)]
Hassanpoor, Alireza
Art and Aesthetics in Husserl’s Phenomenology [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 1-18]
Hassanpoor, Alireza
Daniel Dennett’s View on Heterophenomenology: Dennett’s Critique of Husserlian phenomenology [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 101-119]
Hekmat, Nasrollah
Analysis and investigation of the idea of the permanence of human self-awareness in Allameh Tabatabai's view [Volume 15, Issue 36, 2023, Pages 33-50]
Hemmati, Zolfagar
The antinomy of taste in Hume and Kant's point of view [Volume 12, Issue 29, 2020, Pages 95-111]
Hesamifar, A
The Analytic/Continental Divide of Contemporary Philosophy [Volume 5, Issue 15, 2013, Pages 63-76]
Hesamifar, Abdurrazzaq
Solipsism in Tractatus: Three Different Interpretations (resend) [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 111-128]
Hesamifar, Abdurrazzaq
Rorty Versus Conant
“Freedom” without “Truth”: Rorty's reading of Orwell [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 157-178]
Hesamifar, Abdurrazzaq
Spinoza and the Metaphysical Revolution of Liberation from Transcendence [(Articles in Press)]
Heydari, AA
Analyzing Heideggerâs Existentialism from the Perspective of Aristotleâs Practical Philosophy A New Approach towards Aristotleâs Nicomachean Ethics [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 47-62]
Heydari, Ahmadali
Explanation of the Political Subject in the Thought of Gille Deleuze as the Aggressive subject [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 21-36]
Heydari, Ahmadali
Daniel Dennett’s View on Heterophenomenology: Dennett’s Critique of Husserlian phenomenology [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 101-119]
Hodjati, Seyyed Mohammad Ali
Millikan’s biosemantic theory; in opposition to meaning rationalism [Volume 10, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 1-24]
Hojati, M
Essential Primary Predication and Technical Common Predication Devoted to Subject and Proposition [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 33-46]
Hojati, MA
Philosophical Foundations of Intuitionistic Logic [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 51-64]
Hojati, MA
Zalta on Unnecessary Logical Truths [Volume 5, Issue 15, 2013, Pages 1-16]
Homayuni, Mehdi
Representation in the film based on Martin Heidegger's idea [Volume 16, Issue 37, 2024, Pages 27-42]
Hoseinzadeh Yazdi, M
Subject in Tractatus according to David Pears [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 31-50]
Hoseinzadeh Yazdi, Mahdi
Analysis of Bernard Williams' idealist interpretation of Wittgenstein's later philosophy [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 83-108]
Hosseini, Malek
The Effect of Averageness in the Portrait Aesthetics: An Evolutionary- Cognitive Appraisal [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 73-82]
Hosseini Beheshti, Mohammad Reza
The Arrangement Function of the Moments of Taste Judgment in Kant's Aesthetics [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 157-172]
Hosseinimanesh, SH
Destruction as a Step in Heidegger's Phenomenology [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 29-44]
Hossein Khani, a
Examination of Michael Dummettâs Anti-Realism and Verificationist Approach [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 63-78]
Hossein Khani, Ali
Kripke’s Wittgenstein and Ginsborg’s Reductive Dispositionalism [Volume 15, Issue 36, 2023, Pages 99-118]
Hosseinpour, Gholamreza
The Spirit Theory of Meaning and The Idea of Family Resemblance [Volume 15, Issue 36, 2023, Pages 51-64]
Izadi, Janan
“Sign-looking” approach to nature and its role in human excellence from the perspective of Mullasadra [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 143-158]
Jafari, Hamideh
Study of the Ontology of the Work of Music in the Phenomenology of Bruce Ellis Benson's Theory of The Improvisation of Musical Dialogue [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 1-12]
Jafari Eskandari, A
Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 15-28]
Jafari valani, Ali asghar
Suhrawardi's epistemological critiques of Ibn Sina In the matter of Absar [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 55-70]
Jahangiri, J
Law, Justice and Responsibility in the Philosophy of Jacques Derrida [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 35-50]
Jahed, Mohsen
Yalom's Strategies in Treating Death Anxiety and Their Philosophical Foundations [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 1-24]
Jahed, Mohsen
Criticism of Nicholas White's Reading of Saadat Based on Sadra'i Principles [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 159-179]
Jamali, Abbas
Agamben and Destruction of the Aesthetics in the Man without Content [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 99-118]
Jamei, f
Substantial :union: or Substantial Distinction of Mind and Body in Descartes' Metaphysics [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 1-24]
Jamshidi, MH
Defense of Truth (criticism and reconstructing the model of truth in the modern age and its influence on political philosophy from the viewpoints of Husserl and Strauss) [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 73-92]
Jamshidi, Mohsen
Hannah Arendt's political point of view based on the theory of metaphor [Volume 8, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 31-46]
Janmohammadi, M
John Searle on Institutional Facts [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 1-22]
Japani, Mohsen
Kant’s Transcendental Philosophy and Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology: A Comparative Study [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 59-73]
Kakaiy, Mastaneh
Meanings of Existence in Book of Causes (Kitab-o-al-izah fe-al-khair al-Mahdh le-Aristo Talis) [(Articles in Press)]
Kalantari, A
Considering Bernard Williams's Slogan 'belief aims at truth' [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 77-92]
Kalantari, A
Considering Program Explanation in Defense of Cornell Realism [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 137-153]
Kalantari, seyedAli
Examining the âMotivationa Introversionâ Argument about Meaning [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 1-16]
Kalantari, Seyed Ali
Moore's Paradox and Analysis of Moore's Account of the Paradox [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 117-134]
Kalbasi Ashtari, Hossein
Challenges in reading the Greek philosophers [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 19-36]
Karami, T
The Criterion of Incorporeal and Material Things in the Philosophy of Plotinus and MÅ«llÄ SadrÄ [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 1-24]
Karbasizade Esfahani, Ali
Evolution of the Recognition Concept in Fichte's View and its Impact on Young Hegel (Theological Era and Jena Manuscript) [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 27-40]
Karbasizadeh, A
The Birth and Death of Tragedy in Nietzsche's thought [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 93-110]
Karbasizadeh, ae
Quantum Objects: Sigma Interpretation for Measurement Problem [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 89-112]
Karbasizadeh, Ali
Nihilism, Origins, Types, and its Consequences in Terms of Nietzsche [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 93-110]
Karbasizadeh, Ali
The role of "Critique of Judgment" in the explanation of experiential causality in transcendental idealism of Kant [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 15-32]
Karbasizadeh Esfahani, Ali
Analyzing the foundations of comparance in Martin Heidegger's thought [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 169-180]
Karimi, Bayan
Understanding the Other and intersubjectivity: Sartre and Merleau-Ponty [(Articles in Press)]
Karimi, Mohamad Hasan
Origins and philosophical foundations of transhuman [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 135-150]
Karimi, Saeed
The Ethics of Punitivism from the perspective of Shatibi's Maghasid al-Sharia and Bentham's Utilitarianism [(Articles in Press)]
Karimi, Yashar
The Relationship between Passion In Kierkegaard's philosophy and the life of Humans in the Age of transhumanism and A.I [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 99-114]
Karimi Beiranvand, M
Defense of Truth (criticism and reconstructing the model of truth in the modern age and its influence on political philosophy from the viewpoints of Husserl and Strauss) [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 73-92]
Karimy, Bayan
Deconstruction and Deontologicalization of the subject and gender identity: De Beauvoir and Butler [Volume 12, Issue 29, 2020, Pages 131-146]
Kavandi, Sahar
Criticism of Nicholas White's Reading of Saadat Based on Sadra'i Principles [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 159-179]
Kazemi, Ehsan
Hannah Arendt's political point of view based on the theory of metaphor [Volume 8, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 31-46]
Kazemi, Javid
Salingaros architecture in the mirror of Kant’s aesthetics [Volume 12, Issue 30, 2020, Pages 121-136]
Khademzadeh, v
The Existence of Collection in Muslim Philosophersâ Viewpoint (With Emphasis on Mulla Sadra and Ibn Sina) [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 43-62]
Khalilian, Mohammadamin
The Relationship Between Schematization and Concretization in Ingarden’s Phenomenological Aesthetics [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 1-12]
Khalilian, Mohammadamin
Aesthetic Viewpoint on the Idealism/Realism Controversy in Roman Ingarden's Realistic Phenomenology [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 27-42]
Khanghah, p
Deconstruction as a Strategy [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 59-72]
Khazaei, Zahra
Moral Luck and Responsibility on Michael J.Zimmerman’s View [Volume 12, Issue 29, 2020, Pages 45-62]
Khazaei, Zahra
Epistemic Trust: The Nature, Scope and its Applications [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 71-87]
Khormaei, Farhad
Origins and philosophical foundations of transhuman [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 135-150]
Khosravizade, Yaser
Categorical Domain of Intuiting Phenomenological Essences [Volume 16, Issue 37, 2024, Pages 43-58]
Kiani, Mohammad Hossein
Semantic contemplation on "spiritual pluralism" According to Krishnamurti [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 57-68]
Kiani Ejgerdi, Neda
Critical definition of the museum institution based on the concept of Michel Foucault's heterotopia [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 1-19]
Koorang Beheshti, Reza
Plato and Heideggerâs Views on Language: a Comparative Study [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 41-64]
Koorang Beheshti, Reza
The Relation of Beauty with Goodness and Truth in Dionysius the Areopagite's On the Divine Names [Volume 12, Issue 30, 2020, Pages 87-99]
Lotfi, Zahra
Assessment of Waismann's Criticism of Analytic Judgments Based on the Principles of Muslim Philosophy and Logic [(Articles in Press)]
M, D
Universality in Baumgarten's aesthetic [Volume 10, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 25-40]
Maghsoudi, Mohammad Ebrahim
Special Relativity against McTaggart's argument on the unreality of time [Volume 12, Issue 30, 2020, Pages 187-207]
Mahboobi Arani, h
The Doctrine of Prime Matter in Aristotleâs Science of Nature [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 17-32]
Mahboobi Arani, H
Virtue and Happiness in Socratesâ Moral Thought [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 65-82]
Mahboobi Arani, Hamidreza
Agamben and Destruction of the Aesthetics in the Man without Content [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 99-118]
Mahdavinejad, mh
The Possibility of Moral Reasoning in Hareâs Prescriptivism [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 1-18]
Mahmudi, M
Richard Rorty: From Anti-metaphysical Neo-Pragmatism to Rejection of Philosophy [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 43-64]
Mahoozi, R
The Importance of "Super Sensible Substrate" in Kant's System of Philosophy [Volume 5, Issue 15, 2013, Pages 97-112]
Malakooti, Hussein
Bergson's role in the phenomenology movement based on Heidegger's interpretation [Volume 15, Issue 36, 2023, Pages 83-97]
Manbachi, Bahar
The Effect of Averageness in the Portrait Aesthetics: An Evolutionary- Cognitive Appraisal [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 73-82]
Mim- rooted terms in pre-Platonic texts [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 31-44]
Mansouri, a
Quantum Objects: Sigma Interpretation for Measurement Problem [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 89-112]
Mansouri, Alireza
A Study of Relation Between Physics and Metaphysics in the Field of Space and Time's Reality [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 61-76]
Maqsudi, Mohammad Ebrahim
Newton versus Lagrange: Two Rival Interpretations of Spacetime [(Articles in Press)]
Marandi, Sayyid Mohammad
An Ontological Study of the Ideas of Charles Darwin and Michel Foucault [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 95-110]
Mavaniehei, Hamed
Spinoza and the Metaphysical Revolution of Liberation from Transcendence [(Articles in Press)]
Maziar, Amir
Hegel's reading of the tragedy of "Oedipus at Colonus" [Volume 12, Issue 30, 2020, Pages 33-47]
Mehdipour, Mohammad
The Metaphysics of Causation and a Reflection on Interactionist Dualism [Volume 12, Issue 30, 2020, Pages 65-85]
Mehdipour, Mohammad
Can mental substance hold some physical properties? Assessing Jonathon Lowe's view [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 121-137]
Mesbahian, H
Pursuing the Emancipatory Purport of Subjectivity from Frankfurt to Paris [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 59-74]
Mesbahi Jamshid, P
The Significance of the Mind/Body Problem in the Correspondences between Descartes and Elizabeth [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 1-14]
Meshkati, Mohamadmahdi
Comparison of the ontology of ethics from the perspective of George Edward Moore and Khajeh Nasir al-Din Tusi [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 107-120]
Miandari, H
Ikhwan al-Safa, Ibn Miskawayh, Biruni and Biological Evolutionary Theory [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 25-46]
Miandari, H
Ikhwan al-Safa, Ibn Miskawayh, Biruni and Biological Evolutionary Theory [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 25-46]
Mirabian Tabar, Mehdi
Evolution of the Recognition Concept in Fichte's View and its Impact on Young Hegel (Theological Era and Jena Manuscript) [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 27-40]
Moazami, Davood
Explanation of the Political Subject in the Thought of Gille Deleuze as the Aggressive subject [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 21-36]
Moazzen, seyyed Reza
Critical review of rational reasons for Fayyad Lahiji on proving the existence of intellects. [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 71-88]
Moazzenzade, Jahangir
The Problem of Unobservable A Defense of Van Fraassenâs Distinction between Observable and Unobservable [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 45-64]
Moazzenzadeh, J
What Observational/Theoretical Distinction Can Do [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 45-62]
Moballegh, S. Zahra
The infinite moment:
A different narrative of Aristotleina Metaphysics according to its Constitutional Emotions [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 165-187]
Moein, Amrolah
Aesthetic Perception of Consciousness in Phenomenology in Sartre’s Viewpoint thorough the Critique of Phenomenon Consciousness to Husserl and Heidegger [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 135-150]
Moghanipour, Majid reza
The Study of the Nature of Mythical Space in Ernst Cassirer's Views [Volume 12, Issue 30, 2020, Pages 101-119]
Mohajel, Neda
Merleau-Ponty's Body-Centered Aesthetic Phenomenology [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 71-87]
Mohammad ali khalaj, Mohammad hosein
Practical Knowledge: a Linguistic Analysis [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 25-40]
Mohammadamini, Meisam
The relationship between the role of non-epistemic values and the role of evidence in scientific theories [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 41-58]
Mohammadi, Abdolhamid
Does on Certainty Represent the Third Wittgenstein? A Critical Evaluation [Volume 15, Issue 36, 2023, Pages 161-184]
Mohammadi, Naser
A Comparative Study of Religious Language in Plotinus and Eriugena [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 37-52]
Mohammadzadeh, r
Khajeh Nasir al-Din al-Tusiâs Role in the Interaction of Triple Paradigms of Islamic Philosophy [Volume 5, Issue 15, 2013, Pages 17-32]
Mohebi, Parastoo
Study of the Ontology of the Work of Music in the Phenomenology of Bruce Ellis Benson's Theory of The Improvisation of Musical Dialogue [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 1-12]
Mokhayeran, H
A Study on Gradation in Mirfendereski's Philosophy with a Glance on Avicenna and Sohravardi's Ideas [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 45-60]
Mokhless, Saham
Meaningful concerns in Ibn Sina's poems [Volume 16, Issue 37, 2024, Pages 1-25]
Momeni, n
Comparative Study of the Concept of Space in Aristotle, Descartes and Heidegger [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 65-76]
Momeni, N
Investigating Sadraeeâs Views on âthe Process of Sensory Perceptionâ [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 15-30]
Momeni, Naser
Plato, Identity, and Virtue [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 37-54]
Moradkhani, Ali
Bergson's role in the phenomenology movement based on Heidegger's interpretation [Volume 15, Issue 36, 2023, Pages 83-97]
Mosakhany, Kazem
Critical Confrontation of Cognitivists in hare's Theory of the non-cognitivism With emphasis on Thick moral concepts [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 85-98]
Mosleh, a
Deconstruction as a Strategy [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 59-72]
Mosleh, AA
An Investigation of Heidegger's Critique of Hegel's Notion of Time [Volume 5, Issue 15, 2013, Pages 45-62]
Mosleh, AA
Origins of Deconstruction in Nietzsche [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 93-114]
Mosleh, Aliasghar
Fundemental Aesthetics in Heideggerian Philosophy and Daoism [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 81-92]
Mosleh, Aliasghar
The meaning and role of category time in Bloch's Philosophy [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 1-21]
Mostafavi, ShamsAlMolouk
The Relationship Between Schematization and Concretization in Ingarden’s Phenomenological Aesthetics [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 1-12]
Mostafavi, Shamsolmolok
Heidegger's Confrontation to Modern Art [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 155-171]
Mostafavi, Shamsolmolok
The Arrangement Function of the Moments of Taste Judgment in Kant's Aesthetics [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 157-172]
Mostafavi, Shamsolmolouk
Revolution in Language:Theory of Meaning Based on Kristeva’s Attitude [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 17-32]
Motallebi, Hossain
A Cognitive and Embodied Approach to the Paper and Digital Reading [Volume 15, Issue 36, 2023, Pages 15-31]
Mousavian, Seyedamirali
The Analogical Theory of Necessity or Pluralism about the Meanings of the Necessary in Metaphysics ∆ [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 89-105]
Mousavi azam, Mostafa
A reflection on the concept of "equilibrium" in Simone Weil's philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 1-17]
Mousavi Karimi, Mirsaeid
The Problem of Unobservable A Defense of Van Fraassenâs Distinction between Observable and Unobservable [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 45-64]
Movahed, z
Suhrawardiâs Ideas about Syllogism [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 1-10]
Movahedi Najaf Abadi, Mohammad Reza
The Relationship between Intellect and Particular Intellects in Plotinus' view and Its Comparison with MullÄ-SadrÄ's View on Unity and Multiplicity of Intellect [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 65-82]
Muhammadi munfared, Behruoz
Moving from Ross's Principlism to Moderate Principlism in Moral Reasoning [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 83-98]
Muhammadi munfared, Behruoz
Akhund Khorasani's Essentialist Moral Reductionism [Volume 16, Issue 37, 2024, Pages 111-122]
Musavi Karimi, Mirsaeid
The Pessimistic Meta-Induction Argument and Scientific Realism: The Referential Approaches [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 57-84]
Musavi Karimi, MS
Deliverance from Kantâs Problematic View on Existence in the Light of Avicennaâs Philosophy [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 39-58]
Nabati, F
Necessary Conclusions in Moods with only One Necessary Premise A problem in Aristotelian modal syllogism [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 25-42]
Nabati, Fereshte
Aristotle's Issue in the Ninth Chapter of Al-Ebara [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 77-92]
Nabavi, L
Philosophical Foundations of Intuitionistic Logic [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 51-64]
Nabavi, Lotfallah
Composition, Identity and Ontological Parsimony [Volume 12, Issue 29, 2020, Pages 63-78]
Nabavi, Lotfollah
perception, self-correction and philosophical intuition [Volume 8, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 47-60]
Naderlew, Beytollah
A Study of the Notion of Geviert in the Philosophy of Later Heidegger and Its Relevance to the Truth of Das Ding and Wohnen [Volume 12, Issue 29, 2020, Pages 15-29]
Naji, S
A Critique for the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 63-80]
Naji Esfahani, Hamed
The comparative study on theory of five predicables between Avicenna's Philosophy and Mulla Sadara's transcendental philosophy [Volume 8, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 99-112]
Nasresfahany, Mohammad
Avicenna and the Role of Metaphysics in the Religious Hermeneutics [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 69-94]
NazariAliabadi, Ali
The Review Criticism Of Sadra`s Viewpoint in The refutation of contradiction of Sohrawardi`s speech in Mentally - Posited Matter [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 91-102]
Noori, Mohammad ali
Examining the Views of Some Contemporary Philosophers (Mesbah Yazdi, Abedi Shahroudi and Larijani) on the Truth of Propositions Regarding Practical Reasoning [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 181-195]
Nouri, Morteza
Categorical Domain of Intuiting Phenomenological Essences [Volume 16, Issue 37, 2024, Pages 43-58]
Olia, Masoud
The Relationship Between Schematization and Concretization in Ingarden’s Phenomenological Aesthetics [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 1-12]
Olia, Masoud
Essay as Method From Lukacs's and Adorno's views [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 121-136]
Pakniya, Zahra
Epistemic Trust: The Nature, Scope and its Applications [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 71-87]
Panahi, A
An Analysis of the Critique of Kantâs âCategoricalâ [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 79-94]
Parsa Khanghah, M
Origins of Deconstruction in Nietzsche [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 93-114]
Paya, Ali
Does on Certainty Represent the Third Wittgenstein? A Critical Evaluation [Volume 15, Issue 36, 2023, Pages 161-184]
Pazouki, Bahman
Heidegger's position in his early lectures on Husserl's phenomenology [Volume 12, Issue 29, 2020, Pages 147-164]
Peikani, J
From Folk Morality to Moral Philosophy [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 129-142]
Piravivanak, m
The Semantic Analysis of Icon [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 49-58]
Piravivanak, m
Narrative and Dramatic Structure in Plato's Dialogues [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 1-10]
Piravivanak, M
Following Sadra in the Realm of Imagination and Death [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 113-130]
Piravi vanak, Marzieh
Mim- rooted terms in pre-Platonic texts [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 31-44]
Pourelm, M
Narrative and Dramatic Structure in Plato's Dialogues [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 1-10]
Pourghannad, Peyman
perception, self-correction and philosophical intuition [Volume 8, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 47-60]
Pourghannad, Peyman
The Extended Mind: Objections and limitations [Volume 12, Issue 29, 2020, Pages 79-94]
Pourhossein Asli, Amin
An Ontological Study of the Ideas of Charles Darwin and Michel Foucault [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 95-110]
Qasemzadeh, Zahra
A reflection on the concept of "equilibrium" in Simone Weil's philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 1-17]
Qavam Safari, Mehdi
Aristotelian pre-Socratics, A glance at Aristotle's Narrative from pre-Socratics [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 17-32]
Raayat Jahromi, Mohammad
Salingaros architecture in the mirror of Kant’s aesthetics [Volume 12, Issue 30, 2020, Pages 121-136]
Rabbaninia, Mohaddaseh
Hegel's reading of the tragedy of "Oedipus at Colonus" [Volume 12, Issue 30, 2020, Pages 33-47]
Rabbaninia, Mohaddaseh
Emotion in Leibniz's Philosophy [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 43-58]
Rahbar, Hassan
Critical Confrontation of Cognitivists in hare's Theory of the non-cognitivism With emphasis on Thick moral concepts [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 85-98]
Rahimian, s
Comparison of Aquinasâ and Mulla Sadra's Viewpoints about the Occurrence or Eternity of the World [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 93-118]
Rahimiyan, S
Proclusâ View about Negative Theology [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 31-44]
Rahim Nasirian, Iman
Rorty Versus Conant
“Freedom” without “Truth”: Rorty's reading of Orwell [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 157-178]
Rahimpur, F
Comparison of Views of Allame Tabatabai and M.Arabi on Vision and Seeing [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 65-86]
Rayani Makhsoos, Mehrdad
The Relationship between Passion In Kierkegaard's philosophy and the life of Humans in the Age of transhumanism and A.I [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 99-114]
Rezaee, Ebrahim
Conflict between Jalāl al-Dīn Davānī and Ghīyāth al-Dīn Dashtaki over the Explication of Suhrawardian Definition of Body [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 19-37]
Rezaee, Mehrshad
Considering Program Explanation in Defense of Cornell Realism [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 137-153]
Rohani ravari, Morteza
The relationship between faith and knowledge in Kant's thought [Volume 12, Issue 30, 2020, Pages 147-152]
Rohani Ravari, m
Anthropology in Kant's Thought [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 73-88]
Rostami, Masoud
Platonic Love in John Milton's Comus [Volume 8, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 19-30]
Rostami, Yadollah
Meaningful concerns in Ibn Sina's poems [Volume 16, Issue 37, 2024, Pages 1-25]
Rostami Jalilian, H
An Investigation of Heidegger's Critique of Hegel's Notion of Time [Volume 5, Issue 15, 2013, Pages 45-62]
Rouhani, H
Investigating Philosophical Foundations of the West in the Intellectual Geography of Reza Davari Ardakani [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 95-108]
Saberi Fathi, Seyed Majid
Quantum Mechanics Encountering the Principle of Causality in Islamic philosophy [Volume 12, Issue 29, 2020, Pages 165-181]
Sabramiz, A
Moral Realism and Anti-Realism in Later Wittgenstein [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 77-94]
Sadeghi, ahmad
The Ontological Foundation of Allameh Tabatabaei’s View on "Nafs Al-amr" and Some Comment on his Critics’ Views [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 99-114]
Sadeghi, Masoud
Role of Thought Experiments in Philosophy [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 67-80]
Sadeghi Hasanabadi, Majid
The Analysis of Two Approaches to the Principality of Existence in Mulla Sadraâs Metaphysics [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 81-98]
Saeedimehr, M
Zalta on Unnecessary Logical Truths [Volume 5, Issue 15, 2013, Pages 1-16]
Saeedi mehr, m
The Existence of Collection in Muslim Philosophersâ Viewpoint (With Emphasis on Mulla Sadra and Ibn Sina) [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 43-62]
Safavi, Abbas
Realism after the linguistic turn from the perspective of Rorty [(Articles in Press)]
Safian, M.J
Destruction as a Step in Heidegger's Phenomenology [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 29-44]
Safian, Mohammad Javad
Analyzing the foundations of comparance in Martin Heidegger's thought [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 169-180]
Safian, Mohammad Javad
Heidegger's Interpretation of Kant's Thesis about "Being" as "Position" [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 89-108]
Safian, Mohammad-Javad
Plato and Heideggerâs Views on Language: a Comparative Study [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 41-64]
Safyan, Mohmmad Javad
A Study of the Notion of Geviert in the Philosophy of Later Heidegger and Its Relevance to the Truth of Das Ding and Wohnen [Volume 12, Issue 29, 2020, Pages 15-29]
Sajadi, Seyyed Hedayat
Philosophical Approaches in the Development of Bohr's Complementarity [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 109-124]
Salari Khoram, Sina
Is Divine Providence in Avicenna's Metaphysics a Theological Concept? [(Articles in Press)]
Salimi, Sepehr
The relationship between existence and disinterestedness through works of Kant [Volume 16, Issue 37, 2024, Pages 79-92]
Salimi Naveh, Asghar
The relationship between mysticism and ethics by machine in the philosophy of Bergson [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 1-14]
Salmani, Ali
The relationship between existence and disinterestedness through works of Kant [Volume 16, Issue 37, 2024, Pages 79-92]
Samsami, Amir
Intersubjective Consciousness and Attention to the Other in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 149-164]
Saraei, Pouya
Study of the Ontology of the Work of Music in the Phenomenology of Bruce Ellis Benson's Theory of The Improvisation of Musical Dialogue [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 1-12]
Saremy, Nastaran
Essay as Method From Lukacs's and Adorno's views [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 121-136]
Sate, Nafise
From the semantic therapy approach to Farabi's blissful thought [Volume 15, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 39-53]
Sayadmansour, A
Animal in Nietzsche's Philosophy: A Prolegomena to the Naturalisation of Human Values [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 63-76]
Sayf, m
The Role of Freedom in Kant's Philosophy of Ethics [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 79-92]
Seyf, Seyed Masoud
Solipsism in Tractatus: Three Different Interpretations (resend) [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 111-128]
Seyyedifard, S. Ali
How Would Armstrong's Theory of Truthmaking Be a Criterion for Ontological Commitment? [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 119-130]
Shaami Nezhad, Manouchehr
Yalom's Strategies in Treating Death Anxiety and Their Philosophical Foundations [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 1-24]
Shabani Samghabadi, Mohsen
Composition, Identity and Ontological Parsimony [Volume 12, Issue 29, 2020, Pages 63-78]
Shafiei, F
Artistic Imagination in the Illuminationist Theosophy of Suhrawardi [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 19-32]
Shahraeeni, M
The Significance of the Mind/Body Problem in the Correspondences between Descartes and Elizabeth [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 1-14]
Shahraeeni, Seyed Mustafa
The Connection between the Thought of Progress and Philosophical Thinking in the West Case Study: Descartes’ Thought System [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 1-12]
Shahraeini, Seyyed Mostafa
A comparative study on Soul in Baba Afdal's philosophy and mind in Descartes' one [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 1-18]
Shahryari, SH
Zalta on Unnecessary Logical Truths [Volume 5, Issue 15, 2013, Pages 1-16]
Shahverdi, Amin
Relevant Interpretation of Stoic Logic [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 55-70]
Shairi, HamidReza
Study of the Ontology of the Work of Music in the Phenomenology of Bruce Ellis Benson's Theory of The Improvisation of Musical Dialogue [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 1-12]
Shakeri, Seyyed Muhammadtaqi
Animal in Nietzsche's Philosophy: A Prolegomena to the Naturalisation of Human Values [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 63-76]
Shams, Mehdi
Noël Carroll’s view on Meaning and the Mentality of Artist [Volume 10, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 93-106]
Shamshiri, Babak
Origins and philosophical foundations of transhuman [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 135-150]
Shanazari, J
Ontology of Second Contemplative Sciences of Philosophy (with reference to comment on âmental prosody and objective Sufismâ) [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 87-104]
Shanazari, Jafar
Avicenna and the Role of Metaphysics in the Religious Hermeneutics [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 69-94]
Sharifzade, Mohammad Reza
The Relationship between Passion In Kierkegaard's philosophy and the life of Humans in the Age of transhumanism and A.I [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 99-114]
Shayganfar, Nader
Critical definition of the museum institution based on the concept of Michel Foucault's heterotopia [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 1-19]
Sheikh, Mahmoud
Metaphysics of Light in the Thought of Saint Bonaventure [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 115-133]
Sheikh Rezaee, H
Two-Dimensional Theory of Scientific Representation [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 83-94]
Sohrabi, Reza
The Origin of Values from Nietzsche's View [Volume 8, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 61-78]
The Birth and Death of Tragedy in Nietzsche's thought [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 93-110]
Tabatabee, Morteza
The Ethics of Punitivism from the perspective of Shatibi's Maghasid al-Sharia and Bentham's Utilitarianism [(Articles in Press)]
Taghian Varzaneh, R
The Possibility of Moral Reasoning in Hareâs Prescriptivism [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 1-18]
Taheri Khorramabadi, Seyed Ali
Newton versus Lagrange: Two Rival Interpretations of Spacetime [(Articles in Press)]
Taheri Sarteshnizi, E
Avicennaâs Ontological Analysis of Aristotle`s Ousia [Volume 5, Issue 15, 2013, Pages 33-44]
Talaee Mahani, M
Theologia from the Viewpoint of Some Muslim Philosophers [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 115-128]
Talebzade, h
Anthropology in Kant's Thought [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 73-88]
Tamaddon, Fateme
Moral Luck and Responsibility on Michael J.Zimmerman’s View [Volume 12, Issue 29, 2020, Pages 45-62]
Tavassoli, Saleh
Kant on "die Züfllichkeit" in the realm of theoretical reason [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 53-70]
Tooni, Hamed
The founding of history through preservation the great work of art from Heidegger's point of view [(Articles in Press)]
Vakili, Mohammadhasan
Critical Study of the Division of Worlds and Beings into Physical and Abstract [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 125-139]
Varzdar, Keramat
An Exegesis of Moritz Schlick's Compatibilist Perspective on Free Will [Volume 16, Issue 37, 2024, Pages 123-137]
Yaghmaie, A
Two-Dimensional Theory of Scientific Representation [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 83-94]
Yaghmaie, Aboutorab
Physicalism, Fundamentality and Modern Physics [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 75-88]
Yavari, S
Comparison of Views of Allame Tabatabai and M.Arabi on Vision and Seeing [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 65-86]
Yazdani, A
Humeâs Criticisms of the Analogical Account of the Teleological Argument and an Assessment of Motahariâs Rejoinders [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 105-120]
Yusofi Kupaii, Homa
“Sign-looking” approach to nature and its role in human excellence from the perspective of Mullasadra [Volume 16, Issue 38, 2024, Pages 143-158]
Zabihnia Emran, Asieh
The search of deathlessness in Gilgamesh tragedy based on Irvin D. Yalom’s existential ideas [Volume 15, Issue 36, 2023, Pages 65-81]
Zahedi, Bahman
Metaphysics of Light in the Thought of Saint Bonaventure [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 115-133]
Zali, M
Possible Worlds in the Plantinga's Thought and its Relationship with the Concept of Nafs-al-Amr in Islamic Philosophy [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 13-30]
Zali, Mustafa
An Examination of the meaning of Categorical Imperative Formulas and Relation between them in Kant's Moral Thought [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 125-141]
Zamani, M
John Rawls's Constructivism & the Theory of Constructional Perceptions [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 87-100]
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An Analysis of the Critique of Kantâs âCategoricalâ [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 79-94]
Zamani, Seyed Sadegh
Suhrawardi on Mystical Music and Sama [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 165-180]
Zamani, Seyyed masoud
Metaphysic and the Aristotelian Definition of Human Being as ζώον λόγον έχον in Heidegger’s Thought [Volume 12, Issue 29, 2020, Pages 113-130]
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Comparison of Aquinasâ and Mulla Sadra's Viewpoints about the Occurrence or Eternity of the World [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 93-118]
Zeraatpishe, M
Essential Primary Predication and Technical Common Predication Devoted to Subject and Proposition [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 33-46]
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