Fragment as the Eternal Recurrence; Time and Non-dialectical Writing in Blanchot’s Reading of Nietzschee [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 1-18]
Aesthetic Perception of Consciousness
Aesthetic Perception of Consciousness in Phenomenology in Sartre’s Viewpoint thorough the Critique of Phenomenon Consciousness to Husserl and Heidegger [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 135-150]
Kant’s on Correlation Taste and Genius in the Aesthetic Experience with Form-oriented Approach [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 79-94]
Alternative Possibilities
Does Free Will Mean Having Alternative Possibilities? [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 13-34]
Alvin Goldman
The Relationship between Metaphysics and Cognitive Science: A Critique of the Naturalized Metaphysics of Alvin Goldman [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 49-66]
Aesthetic Attitude to the Arabesque in Islamic Art, according to Free and Dependent Beauty in Kant`s Aesthetics [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 97-116]
Normativity of logic [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 181-196]
Metaethical reflections on Audi’s Divine Command theory [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 81-96]
Basic Ethical Belief
The invalidity of the regress argument based on the basic moral belief [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 45-60]
Denis Dutton's Evolutionary Approach to Art and Beauty [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 35-48]
Moore's Paradox and Analysis of Moore's Account of the Paradox [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 117-134]
Bridge principle
Normativity of logic [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 181-196]
Carnap’a paradox
Carnap's Paradox and Ontological Second Level Skepticism [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 183-196]
Cognitive Science
The Relationship between Metaphysics and Cognitive Science: A Critique of the Naturalized Metaphysics of Alvin Goldman [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 49-66]
Metaethical reflections on Audi’s Divine Command theory [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 81-96]
Comparative Philosophy
Analyzing the foundations of comparance in Martin Heidegger's thought [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 169-180]
Does Free Will Mean Having Alternative Possibilities? [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 13-34]
Compatibilist Free Will
Does Free Will Mean Having Alternative Possibilities? [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 13-34]
Analyzing the foundations of comparance in Martin Heidegger's thought [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 169-180]
Denis Dutton
Denis Dutton's Evolutionary Approach to Art and Beauty [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 35-48]
Does Free Will Mean Having Alternative Possibilities? [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 13-34]
Divine command theory
Metaethical reflections on Audi’s Divine Command theory [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 81-96]
"The Pragmatist Approach to Education: Richard Rorty" [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 157-182]
Eidetic Reduction
Aesthetic Perception of Consciousness in Phenomenology in Sartre’s Viewpoint thorough the Critique of Phenomenon Consciousness to Husserl and Heidegger [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 135-150]
Mim- rooted terms in pre-Platonic texts [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 31-44]
Ethical Intuition
The invalidity of the regress argument based on the basic moral belief [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 45-60]
Role of Thought Experiments in Philosophy [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 67-80]
Normativity of logic [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 181-196]
Fragment as the Eternal Recurrence; Time and Non-dialectical Writing in Blanchot’s Reading of Nietzschee [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 1-18]
Kant’s on Correlation Taste and Genius in the Aesthetic Experience with Form-oriented Approach [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 79-94]
Fragmentary Writing
Fragment as the Eternal Recurrence; Time and Non-dialectical Writing in Blanchot’s Reading of Nietzschee [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 1-18]
Free & Dependent beauty
Aesthetic Attitude to the Arabesque in Islamic Art, according to Free and Dependent Beauty in Kant`s Aesthetics [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 97-116]
Normativity of logic [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 181-196]
Kant’s on Correlation Taste and Genius in the Aesthetic Experience with Form-oriented Approach [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 79-94]
The theory of knowledge of the traditionalists [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 61-78]
Normativity of logic [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 181-196]
Aesthetic Perception of Consciousness in Phenomenology in Sartre’s Viewpoint thorough the Critique of Phenomenon Consciousness to Husserl and Heidegger [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 135-150]
Analyzing the foundations of comparance in Martin Heidegger's thought [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 169-180]
Aesthetic Perception of Consciousness in Phenomenology in Sartre’s Viewpoint thorough the Critique of Phenomenon Consciousness to Husserl and Heidegger [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 135-150]
Role of Thought Experiments in Philosophy [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 67-80]
Mim- rooted terms in pre-Platonic texts [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 31-44]
Moore's Paradox and Analysis of Moore's Account of the Paradox [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 117-134]
Does Free Will Mean Having Alternative Possibilities? [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 13-34]
Fragment as the Eternal Recurrence; Time and Non-dialectical Writing in Blanchot’s Reading of Nietzschee [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 1-18]
Inconvenience refer
Carnap's Paradox and Ontological Second Level Skepticism [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 183-196]
The theory of knowledge of the traditionalists [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 61-78]
Internal–external distinction
Carnap's Paradox and Ontological Second Level Skepticism [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 183-196]
Intuitive Justification
The invalidity of the regress argument based on the basic moral belief [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 45-60]
Islamic Art
Aesthetic Attitude to the Arabesque in Islamic Art, according to Free and Dependent Beauty in Kant`s Aesthetics [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 97-116]
Kant’s on Correlation Taste and Genius in the Aesthetic Experience with Form-oriented Approach [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 79-94]
Aesthetic Attitude to the Arabesque in Islamic Art, according to Free and Dependent Beauty in Kant`s Aesthetics [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 97-116]
Key words: phenomenological aesthetics
The Relationship Between Schematization and Concretization in Ingarden’s Phenomenological Aesthetics [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 1-12]
Carnap's Paradox and Ontological Second Level Skepticism [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 183-196]
The Relationship between Metaphysics and Cognitive Science: A Critique of the Naturalized Metaphysics of Alvin Goldman [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 49-66]
Mim- rooted terms in pre-Platonic texts [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 31-44]
Mim- rooted terms
Mim- rooted terms in pre-Platonic texts [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 31-44]
Solipsism in Tractatus: Three Different Interpretations (resend) [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 111-128]
Is Consciousness Emergent Property or Arised from Substance of Soul? [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 151-168]
Moore's Paradox and Analysis of Moore's Account of the Paradox [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 117-134]
Moore's paradox
Moore's Paradox and Analysis of Moore's Account of the Paradox [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 117-134]
Moral Foundationalism
The invalidity of the regress argument based on the basic moral belief [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 45-60]
Mulla- Sadra
The Role and fanction of non-existence in epistemology and ontology of Mulla Sadra's Philosophy [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 19-30]
Naturalized Metaphysics
The Relationship between Metaphysics and Cognitive Science: A Critique of the Naturalized Metaphysics of Alvin Goldman [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 49-66]
Kant’s on Correlation Taste and Genius in the Aesthetic Experience with Form-oriented Approach [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 79-94]
"The Pragmatist Approach to Education: Richard Rorty" [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 157-182]
New Beginnings
Analyzing the foundations of comparance in Martin Heidegger's thought [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 169-180]
Non-dialectical Thought
Fragment as the Eternal Recurrence; Time and Non-dialectical Writing in Blanchot’s Reading of Nietzschee [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 1-18]
The Nature of Paradigm and its Holistic aspects [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 129-156]
Aesthetic Perception of Consciousness in Phenomenology in Sartre’s Viewpoint thorough the Critique of Phenomenon Consciousness to Husserl and Heidegger [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 135-150]
Role of Thought Experiments in Philosophy [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 67-80]
The distinction discovery/justification from view Reichenbach and Popper [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 197-214]
"The Pragmatist Approach to Education: Richard Rorty" [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 157-182]
Carnap's Paradox and Ontological Second Level Skepticism [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 183-196]
The distinction discovery/justification from view Reichenbach and Popper [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 197-214]
Richard Rorty
"The Pragmatist Approach to Education: Richard Rorty" [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 157-182]
Aesthetic Perception of Consciousness in Phenomenology in Sartre’s Viewpoint thorough the Critique of Phenomenon Consciousness to Husserl and Heidegger [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 135-150]
The theory of knowledge of the traditionalists [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 61-78]
Role of Thought Experiments in Philosophy [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 67-80]
Scientific metaphysics
The Relationship between Metaphysics and Cognitive Science: A Critique of the Naturalized Metaphysics of Alvin Goldman [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 49-66]
Second level skepticism
Carnap's Paradox and Ontological Second Level Skepticism [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 183-196]
Is Consciousness Emergent Property or Arised from Substance of Soul? [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 151-168]
Kant’s on Correlation Taste and Genius in the Aesthetic Experience with Form-oriented Approach [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 79-94]
The Eternal Recurrence
Fragment as the Eternal Recurrence; Time and Non-dialectical Writing in Blanchot’s Reading of Nietzschee [Volume 11, Issue 27, 2019, Pages 1-18]
Turning to the Other
Analyzing the foundations of comparance in Martin Heidegger's thought [Volume 11, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 169-180]
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