Essay as Method From Lukacs's and Adorno's views [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 121-136]
Aesthetical attitude
Art and Aesthetics in Husserl’s Phenomenology [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 1-18]
Agamben and Destruction of the Aesthetics in the Man without Content [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 99-118]
Heidegger's Confrontation to Modern Art [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 155-171]
Agamben and Destruction of the Aesthetics in the Man without Content [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 99-118]
Ali Abedi Shahroudi. Sadegh Larijani
Examining the Views of Some Contemporary Philosophers (Mesbah Yazdi, Abedi Shahroudi and Larijani) on the Truth of Propositions Regarding Practical Reasoning [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 181-195]
The Analogical Theory of Necessity or Pluralism about the Meanings of the Necessary in Metaphysics ∆ [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 89-105]
The Analogical Theory of Necessity or Pluralism about the Meanings of the Necessary in Metaphysics ∆ [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 89-105]
Artistic Beauty
The Effect of Averageness in the Portrait Aesthetics: An Evolutionary- Cognitive Appraisal [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 73-82]
The Effect of Averageness in the Portrait Aesthetics: An Evolutionary- Cognitive Appraisal [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 73-82]
Causally relevant property
Considering Program Explanation in Defense of Cornell Realism [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 137-153]
Heidegger's Confrontation to Modern Art [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 155-171]
Examining the Views of Some Contemporary Philosophers (Mesbah Yazdi, Abedi Shahroudi and Larijani) on the Truth of Propositions Regarding Practical Reasoning [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 181-195]
Kant’s Transcendental Philosophy and Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology: A Comparative Study [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 59-73]
Constructional Perceptions
The Relationship of Law and Ethics According to Tabatabaei [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 37-49]
Continuity thesis
Considering Program Explanation in Defense of Cornell Realism [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 137-153]
Cornell realism
Considering Program Explanation in Defense of Cornell Realism [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 137-153]
Cross-linguistic data
Practical Knowledge: a Linguistic Analysis [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 25-40]
David Armstrong
How Would Armstrong's Theory of Truthmaking Be a Criterion for Ontological Commitment? [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 119-130]
David Ross
Moving from Ross's Principlism to Moderate Principlism in Moral Reasoning [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 83-98]
Essay as Method From Lukacs's and Adorno's views [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 121-136]
George Edward Moore
Comparison of the ontology of ethics from the perspective of George Edward Moore and Khajeh Nasir al-Din Tusi [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 107-120]
Great Art
Heidegger's Confrontation to Modern Art [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 155-171]
Hearing (Sama)
Suhrawardi on Mystical Music and Sama [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 165-180]
Intersubjective Consciousness and Attention to the Other in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 149-164]
Aletheia, Goddess of Parmenids's Poem: Study of Heidegger's Analysis of Truth in Ancient Greek [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 51-72]
Agamben and Destruction of the Aesthetics in the Man without Content [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 99-118]
Heidegger's Confrontation to Modern Art [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 155-171]
Heidegger's Confrontation to Modern Art [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 155-171]
Art and Aesthetics in Husserl’s Phenomenology [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 1-18]
Kant’s Transcendental Philosophy and Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology: A Comparative Study [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 59-73]
Art and Aesthetics in Husserl’s Phenomenology [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 1-18]
Inductive Risk Argument (IRA)
The relationship between the role of non-epistemic values and the role of evidence in scientific theories [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 41-58]
Essay as Method From Lukacs's and Adorno's views [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 121-136]
Kant’s Transcendental Philosophy and Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology: A Comparative Study [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 59-73]
Khaje Nasir al-Din al-Tusi
Comparison of the ontology of ethics from the perspective of George Edward Moore and Khajeh Nasir al-Din Tusi [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 107-120]
Heidegger's Confrontation to Modern Art [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 155-171]
Know how
Practical Knowledge: a Linguistic Analysis [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 25-40]
Manuel R. Vargas
Revisionism and Moral Resposibility [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 19-35]
How to Talk about Nothing: Definability and Versions of Philosophical Nihilism [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 131-147]
Metaphysics Delta
The Analogical Theory of Necessity or Pluralism about the Meanings of the Necessary in Metaphysics ∆ [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 89-105]
Modern Art
Heidegger's Confrontation to Modern Art [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 155-171]
Mohammad Taghi Mesbah Yazdi
Examining the Views of Some Contemporary Philosophers (Mesbah Yazdi, Abedi Shahroudi and Larijani) on the Truth of Propositions Regarding Practical Reasoning [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 181-195]
Moral Principlism
Moving from Ross's Principlism to Moderate Principlism in Moral Reasoning [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 83-98]
Suhrawardi on Mystical Music and Sama [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 165-180]
Narrow concepts
The relationship between the role of non-epistemic values and the role of evidence in scientific theories [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 41-58]
Natural Beauty
The Effect of Averageness in the Portrait Aesthetics: An Evolutionary- Cognitive Appraisal [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 73-82]
The Analogical Theory of Necessity or Pluralism about the Meanings of the Necessary in Metaphysics ∆ [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 89-105]
The Analogical Theory of Necessity or Pluralism about the Meanings of the Necessary in Metaphysics ∆ [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 89-105]
How to Talk about Nothing: Definability and Versions of Philosophical Nihilism [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 131-147]
Negative Dialectics
Essay as Method From Lukacs's and Adorno's views [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 121-136]
Examining the Views of Some Contemporary Philosophers (Mesbah Yazdi, Abedi Shahroudi and Larijani) on the Truth of Propositions Regarding Practical Reasoning [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 181-195]
How to Talk about Nothing: Definability and Versions of Philosophical Nihilism [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 131-147]
How to Talk about Nothing: Definability and Versions of Philosophical Nihilism [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 131-147]
Non-epistemic values
The relationship between the role of non-epistemic values and the role of evidence in scientific theories [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 41-58]
Comparison of the ontology of ethics from the perspective of George Edward Moore and Khajeh Nasir al-Din Tusi [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 107-120]
Ontological Commitment
How Would Armstrong's Theory of Truthmaking Be a Criterion for Ontological Commitment? [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 119-130]
Aletheia, Goddess of Parmenids's Poem: Study of Heidegger's Analysis of Truth in Ancient Greek [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 51-72]
Phenomenological aesthetics
Art and Aesthetics in Husserl’s Phenomenology [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 1-18]
Art and Aesthetics in Husserl’s Phenomenology [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 1-18]
The Effect of Averageness in the Portrait Aesthetics: An Evolutionary- Cognitive Appraisal [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 73-82]
Practical knowledge
Practical Knowledge: a Linguistic Analysis [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 25-40]
Principles of Postulation
How Would Armstrong's Theory of Truthmaking Be a Criterion for Ontological Commitment? [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 119-130]
Program explanation
Considering Program Explanation in Defense of Cornell Realism [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 137-153]
Quantum Mechanics
Physicalism, Fundamentality and Modern Physics [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 75-88]
How Would Armstrong's Theory of Truthmaking Be a Criterion for Ontological Commitment? [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 119-130]
Revisionism and Moral Resposibility [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 19-35]
Sacred Art
Suhrawardi on Mystical Music and Sama [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 165-180]
Social Ethics
The Relationship of Law and Ethics According to Tabatabaei [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 37-49]
Practical Knowledge: a Linguistic Analysis [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 25-40]
Intersubjective Consciousness and Attention to the Other in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 149-164]
Suhrawardi Resale Fi Halat al - Tufulliyah
Suhrawardi on Mystical Music and Sama [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 165-180]
Super Stimulus
The Effect of Averageness in the Portrait Aesthetics: An Evolutionary- Cognitive Appraisal [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 73-82]
The Other
Intersubjective Consciousness and Attention to the Other in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 149-164]
The Value-Free Ideal (VFI)
The relationship between the role of non-epistemic values and the role of evidence in scientific theories [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 41-58]
Thick concepts
The relationship between the role of non-epistemic values and the role of evidence in scientific theories [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 41-58]
Truthmaker Theory
How Would Armstrong's Theory of Truthmaking Be a Criterion for Ontological Commitment? [Volume 13, Issue 31, 2021, Pages 119-130]
Practical Knowledge: a Linguistic Analysis [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 25-40]
Yalom's Strategies in Treating Death Anxiety and Their Philosophical Foundations [Volume 13, Issue 32, 2021, Pages 1-24]
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