Merleau-Ponty's Body-Centered Aesthetic Phenomenology [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 71-87]
The Arrangement Function of the Moments of Taste Judgment in Kant's Aesthetics [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 157-172]
A Comparative Study of Religious Language in Plotinus and Eriugena [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 37-52]
Metaphysics of Light in the Thought of Saint Bonaventure [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 115-133]
Metaphysics of Light in the Thought of Saint Bonaventure [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 115-133]
Heidegger's Interpretation of Kant's Thesis about "Being" as "Position" [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 89-108]
The meaning and role of category time in Bloch's Philosophy [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 1-21]
Merleau-Ponty's Body-Centered Aesthetic Phenomenology [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 71-87]
Critical Study of the Division of Worlds and Beings into Physical and Abstract [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 125-139]
Categorical Imperative Formulas
An Examination of the meaning of Categorical Imperative Formulas and Relation between them in Kant's Moral Thought [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 125-141]
Philosophical Approaches in the Development of Bohr's Complementarity [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 109-124]
Copenhagen Interpretation
Philosophical Approaches in the Development of Bohr's Complementarity [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 109-124]
Explanation of the Political Subject in the Thought of Gille Deleuze as the Aggressive subject [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 21-36]
Origins and philosophical foundations of transhuman [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 135-150]
A Comparative Study of Religious Language in Plotinus and Eriugena [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 37-52]
Existential Realism
The Pessimistic Meta-Induction Argument and Scientific Realism: The Referential Approaches [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 57-84]
Critical definition of the museum institution based on the concept of Michel Foucault's heterotopia [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 1-19]
Has Mullā Ṣadrā Given up the Four–Dimensionalism? [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 23-37]
Groundwork of Metaphysics of Morals
An Examination of the meaning of Categorical Imperative Formulas and Relation between them in Kant's Moral Thought [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 125-141]
Critical Confrontation of Cognitivists in hare's Theory of the non-cognitivism With emphasis on Thick moral concepts [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 85-98]
Critical definition of the museum institution based on the concept of Michel Foucault's heterotopia [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 1-19]
Origins and philosophical foundations of transhuman [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 135-150]
Judgment of Taste
The Arrangement Function of the Moments of Taste Judgment in Kant's Aesthetics [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 157-172]
An Examination of the meaning of Categorical Imperative Formulas and Relation between them in Kant's Moral Thought [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 125-141]
Kant’s theoretical philosophy
Kant on "die Züfllichkeit" in the realm of theoretical reason [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 53-70]
The Relationship between Passion In Kierkegaard's philosophy and the life of Humans in the Age of transhumanism and A.I [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 99-114]
Metaphysics of Light in the Thought of Saint Bonaventure [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 115-133]
Metaphysics of Light in the Thought of Saint Bonaventure [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 115-133]
Metaphysics. Constitution of metaphysics. Emotions. Nous. Unity of soul
The infinite moment:
A different narrative of Aristotleina Metaphysics according to its Constitutional Emotions [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 165-187]
Moral Ontology
The review of the ontology of ethics in the moral view of Sheikh Ishraq [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 151-163]
Moral Unrealism
The review of the ontology of ethics in the moral view of Sheikh Ishraq [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 151-163]
Mullā Ṣadrā
Has Mullā Ṣadrā Given up the Four–Dimensionalism? [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 23-37]
Critical definition of the museum institution based on the concept of Michel Foucault's heterotopia [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 1-19]
Explanation of the Political Subject in the Thought of Gille Deleuze as the Aggressive subject [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 21-36]
Negative Approach
A Comparative Study of Religious Language in Plotinus and Eriugena [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 37-52]
Niels Bohr
Philosophical Approaches in the Development of Bohr's Complementarity [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 109-124]
Nietzsche. affirmation
Explanation of the Political Subject in the Thought of Gille Deleuze as the Aggressive subject [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 21-36]
No Miracle
The Pessimistic Meta-Induction Argument and Scientific Realism: The Referential Approaches [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 57-84]
The review of the ontology of ethics in the moral view of Sheikh Ishraq [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 151-163]
Operator Not
The meaning and role of category time in Bloch's Philosophy [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 1-21]
Merleau-Ponty's Body-Centered Aesthetic Phenomenology [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 71-87]
Critical Study of the Division of Worlds and Beings into Physical and Abstract [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 125-139]
Perpetual Togetherness (Maʿīyyat Dahrī)
Has Mullā Ṣadrā Given up the Four–Dimensionalism? [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 23-37]
Pessimistic Meta-Induction
The Pessimistic Meta-Induction Argument and Scientific Realism: The Referential Approaches [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 57-84]
Merleau-Ponty's Body-Centered Aesthetic Phenomenology [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 71-87]
Philosophical Approaches
Philosophical Approaches in the Development of Bohr's Complementarity [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 109-124]
A Comparative Study of Religious Language in Plotinus and Eriugena [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 37-52]
Critical definition of the museum institution based on the concept of Michel Foucault's heterotopia [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 1-19]
Processual metaphysics
The meaning and role of category time in Bloch's Philosophy [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 1-21]
Referential Approach
The Pessimistic Meta-Induction Argument and Scientific Realism: The Referential Approaches [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 57-84]
Reflective Judgement
The Arrangement Function of the Moments of Taste Judgment in Kant's Aesthetics [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 157-172]
Critical definition of the museum institution based on the concept of Michel Foucault's heterotopia [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 1-19]
Saint Bonaventure
Metaphysics of Light in the Thought of Saint Bonaventure [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 115-133]
Sheikh Ishraq
The review of the ontology of ethics in the moral view of Sheikh Ishraq [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 151-163]
Substantial Extension
Has Mullā Ṣadrā Given up the Four–Dimensionalism? [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 23-37]
Super-Affirmation Approach
A Comparative Study of Religious Language in Plotinus and Eriugena [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 37-52]
Syncretic approach
The meaning and role of category time in Bloch's Philosophy [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 1-21]
Origins and philosophical foundations of transhuman [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 135-150]
The Other
An Examination of the meaning of Categorical Imperative Formulas and Relation between them in Kant's Moral Thought [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 125-141]
Has Mullā Ṣadrā Given up the Four–Dimensionalism? [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 23-37]
The meaning and role of category time in Bloch's Philosophy [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 1-21]
Origins and philosophical foundations of transhuman [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 135-150]
The Relationship between Passion In Kierkegaard's philosophy and the life of Humans in the Age of transhumanism and A.I [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 99-114]
The meaning and role of category time in Bloch's Philosophy [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 1-21]
The meaning and role of category time in Bloch's Philosophy [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2022, Pages 1-21]
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