A Comprehensive Analysis of the Concept of Felicity and its relationship with Perfection and Pleasure in Tusi’s View


1 Tehran University

2 Imam Khomeini International University



Every ethical theory is based on its ethical components. Tusi as an ethic theoretician has provided some systematic analyses of the ethical components such as felicity. Tusi has two approaches to felicity: (1) general approach that regards felicity in both humans & incorporeal beings (in interpretation of Isharat). (2) Special approach that study just human felicity. Studying the latter, Tusi believes that felicity is pleasure of manner of theosophical living (in Naserian ethics). Tusi’s analysis of felicity emphasizes on the components of perfection and pleasure; therefore, it is important to discover their relationship in order to have a comprehensive understanding of felicity. Tusi’s various moral models have linear relationship with one another, and from this perspective the pyramid of perfection degrees is drawn which begins with purifying the soul and in high degrees is ended to annihilation in Allah. Analyzing pleasure, this article firstly provides a comprehensive classification of pleasure definitions and then discusses Tusi’s triple analysis of pleasure. From Tusi’s point of view degrees of human perfection & grades of pleasure are coherent with degrees of felicity. Examining two definitions of felicity is going to clarify their distinction and their relationship.


