Nihilism, Origins, Types, and its Consequences in Terms of Nietzsche


1 at Allame Tabatabaei

2 University of Isfahan


“Nihilism” is one of the basic keywords in Nietzsche’s thinking, and because of its strong connection with his other teachings, it is considered to be a principle subject in his philosophizing. In fact, nihilism is Nietzsche’s criterion to evaluate whatever is relevant to the fate of human and human society. On one hand, he accused the most fundamental organized systems of thought and belief in religion, philosophy, and science of a kind of nihilism (passive) which in his view is somehow despicable and rejected; and therefore deserves to be destroyed. On the other hand, he, asking for the help of a Savior called “Super human”, invites us to another kind of nihilism in order to replace what has been destroyed. This paper intends to presents Nietzsche’s argues in his critique of these systems and also to provide a detailed description of the types of his nihilism.
