Analyzing the foundations of comparance in Martin Heidegger's thought

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Philosophy, University of Isfahan

2 associate professor, faculty of literature, university of Isfahan, Isfahan,Iran


With the departure of Western philosophies from their original application, the question came to the forefront of thinking: how can thoughts encounter, and what is their relation to each other? This basic question, with the effort of numerous thinkers, underlies the way of thinking that is called comparative philosophy. But rather than being a method or a model, comparative philosophy was more a horizon that examined the possibility of meeting ideas. Comparative philosophy was basically a question rather than an answer; The question is, what is the condition for the possibility of turning to the other? The subject of the present article is a re-reading of the basic components and grounds of Heidegger's thought in order to show the possibilities of correspondence in them. The article argues that Heidegger has been deeply involved in the central question of comparative philosophy in many periods of his thought, although he never took advantage of the title of comparative philosophy, but considered philosophy to be the same as confrontation with the other. In his view, the task of thinking is to continuously pursuit a new beginnings for thought; His approach to pre-Socratic thought, Holderlin's poetic thought, and confrontation with Eastern traditions may be the clearest examples of this quest. The guiding question of the article is that is it possible to attain a project for comparative philosophy and its central question about the possibility of confrontation with the other on the basis of fundamental components of Heidegger's thought?


Main Subjects

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