Meanings of Existence in Book of Causes (Kitab-o-al-izah fe-al-khair al-Mahdh le-Aristo Talis)

Document Type : Original Article


1 , Associated Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theosophy, Payam-e-Noor University, Iran, Tehran

2 Graduated PhD of Philosophy, Allameh Tabtaba`i University, Tehran, Iran.



The discussion of "existence" is one of the oldest philosophical discussions, and it is expressed in the Arabic texts of philosophers with several terms such as "Anniyah", "huwiyya", "Kawn" and "Ais". Existence is presented in Book of Causes with the term "Anniyah" (esse) meaning "Being" and "huwiyya" (ens), meaning "being" and "Kawn" meaning "coming to be" and the meaning of existence is different for the hierarchy of existence. For the first cause, Pure Being; But for other levels of intelligence and soul, it is "limited being". Based on the eighth chapter of Book of Causes, Thomas said in the description of this book that "existence" in Book of Causes does not mean "act of being". Therefore, we raise the issue of what meaning is "existence" used in Book of Causes? Is it possible to give another answer to Thomas's theory? In order to investigate this issue and answer these questions with a descriptive-analytical method, we explain the different terms of existence and their semantic usage in Book of Causes, and we come to the conclusion that "existence" refers to God, Pure Being, for the "first intelligence “being" and for creatures, it means " give existence ".


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 15 January 2025
  • Receive Date: 29 May 2024
  • Revise Date: 09 January 2025
  • Accept Date: 15 January 2025